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Atrium Induction for Community and Workplace Online Therapy – Practitioner Guide to Induction.

Atrium Induction for Community and Workplace Online Therapy – Practitioner Guide to Induction

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Policy and Key Information

Your induction or on-boarding is important to us because we know it is important to help you settle with Atrium Clinic. The practitioner and staff induction process starts before you join us and carries on until we decide together in weeks or months that you are fully inducted.

You should receive the ‘Self employment with Atrium guide’ before you start with us to help you prepare. YES/NO

You should have received your contract YES/NO

Induction checklist for first few days with Atrium:

  • Introduce the new joinee to the Atrium Business with this plan and some first suggestions for making appointments with colleagues via email
    Who date Zoom for what purpose.
  • Include Jemma (client facing systems and processes) and Charmaine (data quality and Core client electronic record system overview)
    • Videos or messages from company chairman and CEO/clinical lead.
    • Access to the Atrium Community of Practice (COP)web portal as a source of information, documentation and training. You may find that the policies below are extended from time to time so do refresh in the COP portal and keep yourself up to date. Specific pathway information can be found via your supervisor, the pathway team or on CORE in the sub-site area.
  • System set-up and creation of email for example
  • Provide an overview of the organisation and its services/products visit Atrium website
  • Set up appointments and time allowed for reading! Appointments and time slots to cover introduction to the team in the community pathway and manager. Discuss your practitioner roles and responsibilities and ensure you have access to guidance on protocol and processes, namely
    • Online therapy guidance induction,
    • Atrium online therapy process,
    • Risk assessment and clinical management framework
    • consent to receive services; policy and also text links which are sent out to clients
    • online therapy client guide,
    • Safeguarding GP letter template,
    • online client therapy feedback form;
    • Safeguarding policy
  • Template client email for online therapy
  • Safety planning as standard for escalating risk
  • Please complete a Data protection survey to ensure you understand the policy and discuss with Charmaine (CORE), your practitioner BUDDY/supervisor and pathway team on emailing and how we present information.

Manager conversation will cover– Working hours, expectations, supervision and peer support, Atrium Culture, business objectives and aspirations for Atrium services

Buddy assigned, name, contact

  • Your Buddy will also cover H&S training overview and Protection policies training.
  • We are excited that you are here! We have let others know that you are here and invite you to attend team meeting or supervision on Date……………
  • Team’s involvement: We want you to meet your peers and arrange to meet with them to talk about what we do and create relationships where you can support each other and learn from each other
  • We encourage getting to know each other: Join the Whats App group for the online pathway.(MB)
    • Do keep your training record uptodate including your annual training by linking in with the pathway team on the Training Tracker for our community.
  • Start practicing as per guidance and liaise with Jemma when you are ready for first client.
  • Do you need more support? If so you can get more practice with your clinical supervisor and access the Roleplay checklist

Employee feedback with your supporting manager: What do you need more help with? Review induction together to meet your needs.

When you think you have understood all these policy and process areas on your induction sign, date, and return to Jemma. (Electronic signature will suffice)

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Atrium Clinic
642 London Road

Telephone: 01702-332857

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